What is Noise Sensitivity?
Noise levels above 80 dB can cause hearing damage, especially with prolonged or repeated exposure. However, some people are extra sensitive to noise. They perceive external sounds, which others consider normal, as irritating or even painful.
For those with noise sensitivity, hearing protection is crucial to dampen ambient sounds, making them more bearable so you can fully enjoy life!
Noise sensitivity, also known as hyperacusis (a Greek term meaning 'hearing too much'), occurs when exposure to a certain volume activates the amygdala. The amygdala, part of our primitive 'reptilian brain,' is responsible for our reflexive responses to (potential) danger. Sometimes, the amygdala's reaction is so intense that it triggers a fight, flight, or freeze response, which can lead to various other issues like (chronic) stress, anxiety, and depression. Noise sensitivity can develop at any age and often occurs alongside conditions like Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), ADHD, autism, migraines, Lyme disease, and Meniere's disease. The severity varies from person to person and can be accompanied by related issues like tinnitus (ringing in the ears). When exposure to certain frequencies or volumes causes pain, it's called noxacusis.

Alpine Hearing Protection for Noise Sensitivity
Everyone has a different sensitivity threshold for sound, but fortunately, there are ways to reduce the volume of external noises. Alpine offers earplugs and earmuffs for various situations. For noise sensitivity, the Alpine Silence earplugs are ideal. These soft, comfortable earplugs provide high attenuation of 25 dB and can be reused up to 100 times. Even those who suffer from sound intolerance or misophonia ('hatred of sound') can greatly benefit from Alpine hearing protection.